Fetching data from external JSON file on after the another using Jquery with dynamic backgorund color generator
Fetching data from external JSON file on after the another using Jquery with dynamic background color generator For checking the out of the code : Output Link Jquery Explanation $.getJSON( "https://api.myjson.com/bins/14pvyv", function(obj) { $.each(obj, function(key, value, i) { $("ul").append("<li><span class='title'>" +value.empName + "</span> " + "<span>" +value.designation+ "</span>" + "<span>" + value.joiningdate +"</span>" + " <span class='age'>"+ value.age + "</span></li>"); }); Once document is loaded on the browser, I invoked "$.getJSON" method. after invoking method, the first parameter are passing is the URL of the json file and then callback function. T...